Monday, February 12, 2018

Valentin's Day Sign

How to make a Witch Rope

Here is how to make a Witch Rope. Why is it called a Witch Rope? It really has nothing to do with Witches. The name came because, my brother asked what it was and my mom jokingly said maybe it's to catch witches, it looks like a bunch of brooms hanging.

Anyway whatever you want to call it, I think it's pretty. So I am going to teach you how to make one today. let's get started.

Step:1 Pick a bunch of yarn colors you like. I had a bunch of scraps that was perfect for this project.

Step:2 Get a box to wrap the yarn around, or even your hand depending on how long you want the tassels too be.

Step:3 Wrap the yarn around at least 20 times.

Step:4 cut it at the bottom but make sure to hold the top while you can or they will all fly back from the tension, and you'll have a big mess.

Step:5 Now grab the top center. Lie them on the table. Cut a new string and tie it about 1/2 an inch from the top.

Step:6 Cut a color of string to hang the tassels from.

Step:7 Thread the tassel on the string.

Step:8 repeat steps: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 as many times as desired
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