Wednesday, May 27, 2015

All Hatched!

All my Ladybugs hatched! It all took place within 5 days. The first day one hatched, the second three, the third two hatch, fourth day zero and finally on the fifth day the last one came out. I have seven in total. I plan to let them go in about a week. If you keep them in the habitat they will live about 2 weeks. In the wild they cane live up to two years. So by-all-means if it is warm enough (55 degrees) you will want to let them go.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Moth hatching

My dad found a woolly bear caterpillar on the ground in the hot sun. He brought it home. We put it in a jar. We fed it. Sooner than we thought it had cocooned on the bottom of the fabric we had used for a lid. We put it in me butterfly habitat and in about 3-4 week I would say (of coarse every thing seems longer when you are waiting for something) there was a moth.We found out what it eats, and fed it. We kept it for about a week then set it free.

Happy Memorial Day

Thursday, May 21, 2015

First Ladybug

Today I woke up and I anxiously checked my ladybugs,not expecting any.But to my surprise I found one. I was so exited at that,my first Ladybug! I went to show my mom. Then I quickly prepared some food for it. I socked two raisins in water for a few minutes, I blotted them dry with a paper towel. Then I cut them in half and dropped them in to the "Ladybug Land".

Tuesday, May 19, 2015


All my Ladybugs are in there Pupa's now. They look like small balls. The ladybugs should emerge in about five days.

Then I will watch then for awhile, then release them. It takes about four days for the whole process, from larva to pupa.

Monday, May 11, 2015


I had two females and one male in my sea money tank. Both my females were pregnant as you may remember. I was so exited that I was going to have more sea monkeys.

And then one of my females died then about a week latter the other female died. I have no clue why they died. They still had some eggs in there sacks when they died. I am hoping they released a few eggs at least, so they will hatch.If nothing happens in a few weeks I am going start all over from the beginning.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Photo of the Week

Cat and dog laying three feet apart, that suppose to hate each other.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


My ladybugs have been shedding there skins. They have got quite big. It is fun to watch them.

When the shed there skins they stick to the side on the house. Affter they shed them they look like little cocoons with wholes in the bottom.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Kit Plane

We had a kit airplane. We put it together and painted it. It was fun to play with. You have to be patient and let each layer of paint dry. But when the plane was done it was really nice. The plane lasted for a long time. The prop eventually broke off. My brother kept it for quite awhile after that.

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