Monday, August 31, 2015

how to grow a flower

I will instruct you in how to grow a flower. Get a pot to plant your flower in. then get some soil or potting mix. Put your soil in the pot. Poke a whole in the soil for the seed. Then pick a nice seed out. Put the seed in the whole careful not to drop it. Cover the whole with dirt again maybe with you finger, make shirr not to squash it. Water well do not over water through. make shirr that it is going to get lots of sun if it is not move it to a new spot were it will. Water often but do not over water it too much water is not good. That is how you grow a flower  

Monday, August 17, 2015

How to Make a chain link of Bollons

Step one: blow up three or more animal balloons.

Step two: tie the first one of them at the end to make a circle.

Step three: now put the second one through the circle you gust made and tie it.

Step four: twist it in the middle to make an eight.

Now repet steps three and four.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Monday, August 3, 2015


I thought this was cool. It is a paper safe with. It's not a permanent safe. But is cool and fun for kids to make. Here is the link if you want to try it.
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