Tuesday, July 16, 2013

How to Add a "Grab My Button" on Blogger

I had a horrible time put my Grab Button on. This is the easiest way I found it is basically copy and paste.I have too give my mom credit to she helped me a lot! figuring how to

After trying many of things that did not work we were about ready to give up, but decided to give it one last try. At that point found this website. That website directed us here. There you can make a code for your button, just follow the directions. example: put your website/blog name were it says your website/blog title etc.Then hit preview and a code will come up copy it.

Then login to your Blogger account and go to your posts,then hit layout. Click on "add a gadget" button. A list will come up with a bunch of different things you con add, find the one that says HTML/Java script. Click on the plus beside were it says HTML/Java script. Put your wording (if any that you want) in the box that says title above it, and that wording will show up above your Grab Button. Now past the code in the box that says content above it.Then copy the address your photo is being hosted at and past it in the code

Now this video was not much help to me in the making of the actual code and Grab Button. It was helpful though in showing how to get to the address of were your photo of your Grab Button is being hosted and were to paste it in the code. Also it shows how to get to the HTML/Java script to paste your code in.

I hope I have given adequate information so you can make your own "Grab My Button".

If you like this blog and have a website or blog of your own feel free to grab my Grab Button if you want too.

Was this helpful too you?
 Did you make a "Grab My Button"?
If so how did it turn out?


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