Monday, March 7, 2016

Starry Night in a Jar

My brother and me made a gift for our mom and dad, at Christmas. I call it Starry Night in a Jar. I used water colored with paint, glider and cotton balls, Q-tip tops and stuffing, to fill it. And alternated the water ans the cotton balls.

I hope toy will enjoy making this if you do. I also have a video of me making it if you like visual walk troughs.

I got inspired to make this when I saw it on Pinterest. I will leave to the pin I pined of it, in my YouTube description at the bottom. And also here in the post.

I'm sorry if there's no picture on the pin, but for some odd reason the picture was not showing for me. But the link is working. I may show up for you, technology sometimes it works sometimes to doesn't!

Here's the link to my video:

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