Friday, May 24, 2013

Make a Flower Garden in a Jar

Today I will share with you how I grew my flower garden in a jar.

Here are the instructions:
First I got a pickle jar, but any jar will work. Then I went and got some dirt and filled it about 1/3 full. The next step was to add a small amount of water to the dirt. It was all prepped and ready for the seeds. For my seeds I used a flower bomb I had made, but I do not think that was such a good Idea, I think seeds would have suited the job better. I either over watered it or could not keep the seed bomb wet enough so it could release its seeds. But if you want to try making the seed bomb you can find to the steps for making it, here.   

                                                             This is the seed bomb in the jar.

                                              This is me and my brother mixing the seeds in
                                                         to make the seed bombs.
                                                              This is the seed bombs drying.

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