Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Make a Wool Dog Sweater

I will show you how to make a homemade dog sweater from an old wool sweater.

Step one: Get an old wool sweater or you can just use a T-shirt if you don’t have a wool sweater.

Step two: For the body of the dog sweater. Take your dog’s store bought sweater and place it on the body of the wool sweater. Then cut out a new body portion from the sweater. (See basic shape for small dog in picture.)  (If you have a half a shirt like the one I used in the picture to use make sure to fold it in half.)

Step three: sew the bottom of the body of the sweater together the part that goes against the dog’s belly. (Make sure to use a sewing machine, don’t hand sew it. The sewing machine is much stronger than hand sewing and will hold up much better)

Step four: cut one of the cuffs off the sweater if your sweater does not have cuffs cut off about two inches or whatever length you need them to be for your dog legs.

Step five: find the middle of the cuff and sew up and back down about half an inch apart.

Step six: cut between where you sewed it to make two sleeves.  

Step seven: cut a hole in the sweater where each leg will go. (Use you store bought dog sweater as a guide.)

Step eight: Line up the legs you made in step six with the holes you made in step seven. Sew them on, right sides together

Now you have a custom dog sweater that hopefully fits well. Do not worry if it is not perfect you can never get it to come out perfect on your first try.

If you want to make it stylish you can do a decorative edge stitch, put lace around the edge or you can sew a cut out of a flower or heart on the sweater whatever you like to make it yours.    

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